Wednesday, May 19, 2010


The story takes place in multiple places. However there are three main places that the story takes place in. The three places are Raxus Prime, the Starship Candaserri, and finally Bespin. Even though space is part of the story everyone (mostly everyone) knows about space. Two words to describe it is big and empty.

Raxus Prime is a planet in space (obviously) near the outer rim territory. However there is no longer any native beings on the planet. The planet is a toxic waste dump for thousands of years. It has foul air and crashed space parts. It was once a called the Shining Gem because of the major businesses and commerce.

Starship Candasserri is one of the republic's starships. In this book
 the starship is one of the star ships that fights against Dooku and his army. They do help orphans that where seperated from their parents by seperatists when they fight against the imperial forces. They hold orphans as well as clone troopers.

Bespin is the cloud city planet in the outer rim territories. It is a gas planet that has no 
water in it's surface and air is breathe able. Has multiple moons. It was a refugee for orphans during the "Clone Wars." Bepin does come out in Star Wars movies.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Author Bio

Terry Ballantine Bisson was born on February 12, 1942 in Owensboro, Kentucky. He was born after Pearl Harbor.He is an American science fiction writer best known for his short stories. Bisson graduated from the University of Louisville in 1964. He now curently lives in Oakland, California since 2005. In the 1960s Bisson helped with making comic book stories with Clark Dimond. He edited Major Publications' black-and-white horror-comics magazine Web of Horror. In 1996, he wrote two three-part comic book adaptations of "Nine Princes in Amber" and "The Guns of Avalon," the first two novels in Roger Zelazny's "Amber" novel series. Bisson finished making "The writing of Saint Leibowitz" and "The Wild Horse Woman" sequel to the classic "A Canticle for Leibowitz." Some of his books such as "Bears Discover Fire, Hugo, and the Nebula" have each won science fiction awards. He published his first writting in 1981 since then he has written seven novels. His short stories have been in a various amount of magazines. Some of his stories have been performed onstage in New York. He himself has won awards and is in the Owensboro, Kentucky HALL OF FAME since 1999. He co authored CAR TALK WITH CLICK AND CLACK, THE TAPPET BROTHERS. He edited many novels throughout his life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Story Summary

In Star Wars Boba Fett: Crossfire we read the story from third person point of view. The story takes place after the death of Boba Fett's father Jango Fett during the Star Wars Clone Wars. His father Jango Fett was a wanted bounty hunter that worked for the empire (the bad guys) during the clone wars. He helped the Empire by letting him cloned. All clones grew rapidly to adulthood except for one which he wanted to have his was named Boba Fett. His confrontment with a Jedi ended his life (word to the wise don't fight a Jedi even if they don't exist). Through out the story Boba faces obstacles that try to stop him from getting his father's credits (credits = money). In order to survive he must life by his father's rules written in Jango's journal.

In the beginning Jango is being "taken care" of by Tyranus or otherwise known as Count Dooku on the toxic planet of Raxus Prime. After meeting with Dooku and over hearing him talk about something important on the planet Raxus Prime Boba decides to take a look around. Boba takes his fathers helmet, flight bag, and reads an excerpt from his father’s journal about "learning self-sufficiency from the count." During his journey to the Count's dig site Boba steps on acid gunk that acts like quick sand only that acid gunk "digests" you. He manages to save himself by grabbing nearby reeds from plants. He discovers that the Count is looking for something called the "Force Harvester." When he was caught by Dooku on his return Dooku decided that Boba knew too much. Boba tried to bluff by saying that he had told someone else but he had gone to far and he had messed up his only chance. However before he was killed Dooku sensed the republics arrival and fled.

Boba knew what his father would have told him to He was later found by a clone trooper named CT-4/619 who told him that "under guidelines he had to follow him for food and shelter." Boba did not like the Jedi or Dooku but the clone trooper was not a Jedi. He fought with the clone troopers because he knew they were his only way out. As each clone trooper fell Boba Fett noticed that even if their fellow clone troopers died or they where being bombed the clone troopers did not retreat, flinch, or become distracted at any moment. Boba could not look at the clone trooper's faces because he sees his father's dead face when he looks at them. The clones where like his father except that they had no emotions and they fought like his father to.

After being saved by a Jedi he managed to lie his way in by saying he was an orphan after all he was an orphan. When asked he said his name was Teff and not Boba. He was put in a room full of children who where either older than him or younger on a ship named the Starship Candaserri. However he did manage to become friends with a ten year old kid named Garr. Garr becomes his first friend since his father had taught him never to trust any one or have friends. Him and Garr explore the ship even though they are not aloud to leave Orphan Hall. Garr had always waned to explore the cockpit so Boba and Garr went to the EMERGENCY EXIT door and put on space suits to go to the cock pit from the out side. While they were out side they noticed that the ship was going into hyper drive. Garr and Boba had to get back into the ship or they would be left floating in empty space but the distance from the exit to them was too far. They had to make a risky jump and their chances were slim. However before making the jump Boba had fainted from the lack of oxygen in his oxygen tank. When he woke up Garr was talking to him calling him to wake up.

After getting in trouble with one of the Jedi padawans they had to stay in the orphan hall and where not allowed to be out side of there for one day. After they finished hyper jumping all the children went to the main observation blister but Boba however stayed in the rear observation blister. He had noticed an orange star that was not smeared like the rest of the stars when he was in hyperspace. He noticed that it was not a star but a ship his father's ship. The only person that could have had the ship was Aurra Sing. She is a bounty hunter like Jango but she killed Jedi as a sport. Later news came that they were going to land on the cloud planet of Bespin. When hey were going to land on Bespin Boba had mixed emotions. He wanted to look for Aurra Sing but he knew he would miss his only friend and a good life.

When he started to escape his friend Garr shouted his name giving him away. After losing one of the people chasing him Garr caught up with Boba to give him his bag that he had forgotten. Boba was surprised because he had thought that Garr was ratting him out. Boba tried to explain to Garr about his true identity but say that it was hopeless. Then out of the blue Aurra Sing came and wanted to kill Garr but Boba said that he was his friend. Boba told Garr to leave becaus he did not want him to get hurt. Aurra Sing wanted to talk to Boba but not in public. Boba rented a clod car and went to meet Aurra. However on his arrival there was a republic ship shooting at them. Aurra left and Boba chased her in the clod car. After the chase Aurra said she would give Boba's father's ship back. All he had to do was help her get the money that Jango had left behind and she would split.
